Results for 'Temporal Phase Pluralism'

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  1.  22
    What Moore's Paradox Is About, CLAUDIO DE ALMEIDA.Temporal Phase Pluralism - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1).
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  2. Temporal phase pluralism.David Braddon-Mitchell & Caroline West - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):59–83.
    Some theories of personal identity allow some variation in what it takes for a person to survive from context to context; and sometimes this is determined by the desires of person-stages or the practices of communities.This leads to problems for decision making in contexts where what is chosen will affect personal identity.‘Temporal Phase Pluralism’ solves such problems by allowing that there can be a plurality of persons constituted by a sequence of person stages. This illuminates difficult decision (...)
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    Temporal coding and study-phase retrieval in young and elderly adults.P. D. McCormack - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (5):242-244.
  4.  19
    Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial Ecotopianism.Heather Alberro - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):528-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial EcotopianismHeather Alberro (bio)Limitations and Exclusions of the (Western) Utopian CanonUtopianism in all of its manifestations often powerfully (re)surfaces during times of significant socio-ecological upheaval as a response to oppressive and exploitative realities. As such it is a fervent refusal against a given status quo and its purported inevitability. Utopianism and hope are rendered possible by, and (...)
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    Other Phases of Legal Pluralism in the Contemporary World.Masaji Chiba - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (3):228-245.
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  6. Temporal neuronal oscillations can produce spatial phase codes.Christopher Burgess, Nicolas W. Schuck & Neil Burgess - 2011 - In Stanislas Dehaene & Elizabeth Brannon (eds.), Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought. Oxford University Press. pp. 59--69.
  7.  40
    Epistemic Injustice and Judicial Discourse on Transgender Rights in India: Uncovering Temporal Pluralism.Dipika Jain & Kimberly M. Rhoten - 2020 - Journal of Human Values 26 (1):30-49.
    This article examines how efforts at legal legibility acquisition by gender diverse litigants result in problematic (e.g., narratives counter to self-identity) and, at times, erroneous discourses on sex and gender that homogenize the litigants themselves. When gender diverse persons approach the court with a rights claim, the narrative they present must necessarily limit itself to a normative discourse that the court may understand and, therefore, engage with. Consequently, the everyday lived experiences of gender diverse persons are often deliberately erased from (...)
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  8. The temporal dynamic of emotional emergence.Thomas Desmidt, Maël Lemoine, Catherine Belzung & Natalie Depraz - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (4):557-578.
    Following the neurophenomenological approach, we propose a model of emotional emergence that identifies the experimental structures of time involved in emotional experience and their plausible components in terms of cognition, physiology, and neuroscience. We argue that surprise, as a lived experience, and its physiological correlates of the startle reflex and cardiac defense are the core of the dynamic, and that the heart system sets temporally in motion the dynamic of emotional emergence. Finally, in reference to Craig’s model of emotion, we (...)
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  9. Individuality, pluralism, and the phylogenetic species concept.Brent D. Mishler & Robert N. Brandon - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):397-414.
    The concept of individuality as applied to species, an important advance in the philosophy of evolutionary biology, is nevertheless in need of refinement. Four important subparts of this concept must be recognized: spatial boundaries, temporal boundaries, integration, and cohesion. Not all species necessarily meet all of these. Two very different types of pluralism have been advocated with respect to species, only one of which is satisfactory. An often unrecognized distinction between grouping and ranking components of any species concept (...)
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  10. Temporal Ersatzism and Relativity.Nina Emery - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (3):490-503.
    ABSTRACT Temporal eliminativism is the view that the present is privileged because past and future entities do not exist. Temporal ersatzism is the view that the present is privileged because, although past and future entities exist, they are not concrete. I argue that shifting from temporal eliminativism to temporal ersatzism can help to address objections to the former theory that are due to relativity theory—but only if temporal ersatzism is understood in a fairly specific way (...)
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    An Inconsistent Triad: Priority Pluralism, Perdurantism and (the Possibility of) Gunky Time.Jamie Taylor - 2020 - Theoria 86 (2):268-285.
    Priority pluralism, perdurantism and that temporal gunk – where some interval of time is gunky iff every interval of it has a proper subinterval – is at least metaphysically possible, are three commonly held views in contemporary metaphysics. However, there cannot be a temporally gunky world where objects perdure, and where there are mereological simples. Given that – as I will argue – pluralists should be committed to atomism, and cannot plausibly revise their view to accommodate temporal (...)
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    Temporal and Nontemporal Becoming.Lewis S. Ford - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):5-42.
    Whitehead’s initial decision to treat actual occasions as unqualifiedly indivisible rendered the notion of succession in becoming highly problematic. Temporal phases would divide the indivisible. Thus Whitehead had originally recourse to genetic analysis. Many have interpreted this as nontemporal becoming, which is not clearly distinguished from the eternity of eternal objects. Besides, Whitehead reserved the term ‘nontemporal’ for the primordial nature. Finally Whitehead came to see that the indivisibility of occasions meant only that they could not be divided into (...)
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  13. Schizophrenia, Temporality, and Affection.Jae Ryeong Sul - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (4):927-947.
    Temporal experience and its radical alteration in schizophrenia have been one of the central objects of investigation in phenomenological psychopathology. Various phenomenologically oriented researchers have argued that the change in the mode of temporal experience present in schizophrenia can foreground its psychotic symptoms of delusion. This paper aims to further the development of such a phenomenological investigation by highlighting a much-neglected aspect of schizophrenic temporal experience, i.e., its non-emotional affective characteristic. In this paper, it denotes the type (...)
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  14. Temporal non-commutative logic: Expressing time, resource, order and hierarchy.Norihiro Kamide - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (2):97-126.
    A first-order temporal non-commutative logic TN[l], which has no structural rules and has some l-bounded linear-time temporal operators, is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. The logic TN[l] allows us to provide not only time-dependent, resource-sensitive, ordered, but also hierarchical reasoning. Decidability, cut-elimination and completeness (w.r.t. phase semantics) theorems are shown for TN[l]. An advantage of TN[l] is its decidability, because the standard first-order linear-time temporal logic is undecidable. A correspondence theorem between TN[l] and a resource (...)
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  15. On-off VEPs exhibit a simple relationship between phase and temporal frequency.C. Hadjizenonos, H. Strasburger, N. R. A. Parry & I. J. Murray - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 85-85.
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    Menstrual Temporality: Cyclic Bodies in a Linear World.Sarah Pawlett Jackson - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (3):237-254.
    In this paper I will explore a phenomenology of the menstrual cycle, focusing on the cycle’s rhythm as a form of lived temporality. Drawing on the work of Henri Lefebvre and Thomas Fuchs I will outline a key connection between embodiment and rhythmic temporality more generally, before applying this analysis to the rhythm of the menstrual cycle specifically. I will consider the phenomenology of the experience of cycling through the phases of pre-ovulation, ovulation, pre-menstruation and menstruation as a pattern, or (...)
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  17.  23
    Temporal Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning by Mining Students’ Think-Aloud Protocols.Lyn Lim, Maria Bannert, Joep van der Graaf, Inge Molenaar, Yizhou Fan, Jonathan Kilgour, Johanna Moore & Dragan Gašević - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:749749.
    It has been widely theorized and empirically proven that self-regulated learning (SRL) is related to more desired learning outcomes, e.g., higher performance in transfer tests. Research has shifted to understanding the role of SRL during learning, such as the strategies and learning activities, learners employ and engage in the different SRL phases, which contribute to learning achievement. From a methodological perspective, measuring SRL using think-aloud data has been shown to be more insightful than self-report surveys as it helps better in (...)
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    Phase semantics for linear-time formalism.Norihiro Kamide - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (1):121-143.
    It is known that linear-time temporal logic is a useful logic for verifying and specifying concurrent systems. In this paper, phase semantics for LTL and its substructural refinements is introduced, and the completeness and cut-elimination theorems for LTL and its refinements are proved based on this semantics.
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  19. On the Phases of Reism.Barry Smith - 2006 - In Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Dariusz Łukasiewicz (eds.), Actions, products, and things: Brentano and Polish philosophy. Lancaster: Ontos. pp. 137--183.
    Kotarbiński is one of the leading figures in the Lvov-Warsaw school of Polish philosophy. We summarize the development of Kotarbiński’s thought from his early nominalism and ‘pansomatistic reism’ to the later doctrine of ‘temporal phases’. We show that the surface clarity and simplicity of Kotarbiński’s writings mask a number of profound philosophical difficulties, connected above all with the problem of giving an adequate account of the truth of contingent (tensed) predications. The paper will examine in particular the attempts to (...)
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  20.  18
    Pluralistic Monism.James R. Kincaid - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):839-845.
    I admire Robert Denham's enlightening and often very amusing response to my "Coherent Readers, Incoherent Texts" Critical Inquiry 3 [Summer 1977]:781-802). Not surprisingly, however, I remain unconvinced by its arguments, large or small. This may sound defensive, partly because it is, but I do wonder if his use of pluralistic sound sense is quite so fresh or so formidable as he takes it to be. . . . I think Denham understands quite accurately my use of "genre" as representing a (...)
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    Duration, temporality, self: prospects for the future of Bergsonism.Elena Fell - 2008 - New York: Peter Lang.
    What is the nature of time? This new study engages with the philosophy of Henri Bergson on time and proposes a new way of thinking about the effects of future events on the past. According to Bergson, time is an integral feature of real things, just as much as their material or size. When a flower grows, it takes a period of real time for it to flourish, which cannot be quickened or slowed down, nor can it be eliminated from (...)
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  22.  8
    Temporal Regularity May Not Improve Memory for Item-Specific Detail.Mrinmayi Kulkarni & Deborah E. Hannula - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Regularities in event timing allow for the allocation of attention to critical time-points when an event is most likely to occur, leading to improved visual perception. Results from recent studies indicate that similar benefits may extend to memory for scenes and objects. Here, we investigated whether benefits of temporal regularity are evident when detailed, item-specific representations are necessary for successful recognition memory performance. In Experiments 1 and 2, pictures of objects were presented with either predictable or randomized event timing, (...)
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  23. Phase Locking of Single Neuron Activity to Theta Oscillations during Working Memory in Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex.Han Lee & Gregory V. Simpson - 2005 - Neuron 45:147-156.
    activity” has been considered to play a major role in the short-term maintenance of memories. Many studies since then have provided support for this view and greatly advanced our knowledge of the effects of stimulus type and modality on delay activity and its temporal dynamics. In humans, working memory has also been a subject of intense investigation using scalp and intracranial electroencephalography as well as magnetoencephalography, which provide estimates of local population activity. The published findings include reports of systematic (...)
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  24. Concept Pluralism in Conceptual Engineering.Sarah Sawyer - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    In this paper, I argue that an adequate meta-semantic framework capable of accommodating the range of projects currently identified as projects in conceptual engineering must be sensitive to the fact that concepts (and hence projects relating to them) fall into distinct kinds. Concepts can vary, I will argue, with respect to their direction of determination, their modal range, and their temporal range. Acknowledging such variations yields a preliminary taxonomy of concepts and generates a meta-semantic framework that allows us both (...)
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  25.  44
    Perceiving temporal regularity in music.Edward W. Large & Caroline Palmer - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (1):1-37.
    We address how listeners perceive temporal regularity in music performances, which are rich in temporal irregularities. A computational model is described in which a small system of internal self‐sustained oscillations, operating at different periods with specific phase and period relations, entrains to the rhythms of music performances. Based on temporal expectancies embodied by the oscillations, the model predicts the categorization of temporally changing event intervals into discrete metrical categories, as well as the perceptual salience of deviations (...)
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    A Golden Opportunity: Religious Pluralism and American Muslims Strategies of Integration in the US after 9/11, 2001.Hajer ben Hadj Salem - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):246-260.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} In the course of the founding history of America, the American Sacred Ground has been a contested territory where people who do not share a single history or a single religious tradition have engaged in the common tasks of civil society to broaden the contours of religious (...) in the US. This paper studies the post 9/11 phase of the public debate on America’s religious identity as the Muslim moment in the long-standing pilgrimage in American religious history towards participatory pluralism. It underscores the challenges that both Americans and American Muslims have had to face to help one another make sense of the startling religious diversity incurred by the 1965 immigration reforms. My contention is that, compared to the Jewish and Catholic experiences, it is only since 9/11 that American Muslims have carried through the traditional role of religious outsiders, abiding by the principles of the American Sacred Ground. (shrink)
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    How Many Times? Monism and Pluralism in Early Jaina Temporal Description.Christoph Emmrich - 2003 - In Piotr Balcerowicz (ed.), Essays in Jaina philosophy and religion. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. pp. 20--69.
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    Ontological Pluralism in Abhidharma Debates about the Existence of Past and Future Dharmas.Laura P. Guerrero - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):264-285.
    Abstract:There is debate about the ontological status of conventional entities in Abhidharma thought. Buddhist texts often draw a distinction between two different kinds of entities, ultimately real entities (paramārtha-sat) and conventionally real entities (saṃvṛti-sat), but are often unclear about what the distinction entails. The debate about whether past and future dharmas are ultimately real reveals that Sam.ghabhadra and Vasubandhu—two prominent Abhidharma philosophers—fundamentally disagree about whether reality consists in one or many modes of being. Saṃghabhadra's Sarvāstivāda position is best understood as (...)
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  29. Temporal quantifier relativism.Peter Finocchiaro - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I introduce a quantifier-pluralist theory of time, temporal quantifier relativism. Temporal quantifier relativism includes a restricted quantifier for every instantaneous moment of time. Though it flies in the face of orthodoxy, it compares favorably to rival theories of time. To demonstrate this, I first develop the basic syntax and semantics of temporal quantifier relativism. I then compare the theory to its rivals on three issues: the passage of time, the analysis of change, and (...) ontology. (shrink)
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    Temporal synchrony, dynamic bindings, and Shruti: A representational but nonclassical model of reflexive reasoning.Lokendra Shastri - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):331-337.
    Lange & Dyer misunderstand what is meant by an “entity” and confuse a medium of representation with the content being represented. This leads them to the erroneous conclusion that SHRUTI will run out of phases and that its representation of bindings lacks semantic content. It is argued that the limit on the number of phases suffices, and SHRUTI can be interpreted as using “dynamic signatures” that offer significant advantages over fixed preexisting signatures. Bonatti refers to three levels of commitment to (...)
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  31. Pluralist-Monism. Derived Category Theory as the Grammar of n-Awareness.Shanna Dobson & Robert Prentner - manuscript
    In this paper, we develop a mathematical model of awareness based on the idea of plurality. Instead of positing a singular principle, telos, or essence as noumenon, we model it as plurality accessible through multiple forms of awareness (“n-awareness”). In contrast to many other approaches, our model is committed to pluralist thinking. The noumenon is plural, and reality is neither reducible nor irreducible. Nothing dies out in meaning making. We begin by mathematizing the concept of awareness by appealing to the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Pluralism of the Political: From Carl Schmitt to Hannah Arendt.Hans Sluga - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (142):91-109.
    We can pinpoint almost to the day the moment at which Hannah Arendt became a political theorist, and we can name with precision the experiences that made her one. Born in 1906, she had led a substantially apolitical life until Hitler gained power and she fled Germany in 1933. In Paris, she became an activist, busy in Jewish refugee affairs but with little time for abstract reflection. The end of the war and her book on The Origins of Totalitarianism marked (...)
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  33.  17
    The spatio-temporality of objectification in legal theory: Concepts of legality between theory and practice.Maksymilian T. Madelr - manuscript
    This paper argues that concepts of legality in legal theory can be profitably understood as being underwritten by modes of spatio-temporal objectification. In the first part of the paper, a scheme of such modes is provided, and a map of jurisprudential inquiries is thereby offered. In the second part of the paper, two concepts of legality - underwritten by two different modes of spatio-temporal objectification - are analysed. The analysis shows how both concepts of legality lead to different (...)
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  34.  14
    Unraveling Temporal Dynamics of Multidimensional Statistical Learning in Implicit and Explicit Systems: An X‐Way Hypothesis.Stephen Man-Kit Lee, Nicole Sin Hang Law & Shelley Xiuli Tong - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (4):e13437.
    Statistical learning enables humans to involuntarily process and utilize different kinds of patterns from the environment. However, the cognitive mechanisms underlying the simultaneous acquisition of multiple regularities from different perceptual modalities remain unclear. A novel multidimensional serial reaction time task was developed to test 40 participants’ ability to learn simple first‐order and complex second‐order relations between uni‐modal visual and cross‐modal audio‐visual stimuli. Using the difference in reaction times between sequenced and random stimuli as the index of domain‐general statistical learning, a (...)
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    How to be a perspectival pluralist.Olla Solomyak - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (5):e12980.
    The temporal, first-personal, and modal domains in metaphysics involve a range of perspectives on reality: the perspective of the present as opposed to those of other times, the perspective of one's own self as opposed to those of other subjects, and the perspective of the actual world as opposed to those of other possible worlds. In each case, we can ask about the metaphysical standing of these various perspectives with respect to one another: Is one perspective privileged above the (...)
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  36. Time phases, pointers, rules and embedding.John A. Barnden - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):451-452.
    This paper is a commentary on the target article by Lokendra Shastri & Venkat Ajjanagadde [S&A]: “From simple associations to systematic reasoning: A connectionist representation of rules, variables and dynamic bindings using temporal synchrony” in same issue of the journal, pp.417–451. -/- It puts S&A's temporal-synchrony binding method in a broader context, comments on notions of pointing and other ways of associating information - in both computers and connectionist systems - and mentions types of reasoning that are a (...)
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  37. Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 1.1 Attention, Economy, Power 1.2 Post-Phenomenology and New Materialism 1.3 Media, Software and Game Studies 1.4 Chapter outlines 2. Interface 2.1 Interface theory 2.3 Interfaces as Environments 2.4 Interface, Object, Transduction 3. Resolution 3.1 Resolution 3.2 Neuropower 3.3 High and low Resolution 3.4 Phasing between resolutions 3.5 Resolution, Habit, Power 4. Technicity 4.1 Technicity 4.2 Psychopower 4.3 Homogenization 4.4 Irreversibility 4.5 Technicity, Time, Power 5. Envelopes 5.1 Homeomorphic Modulation 5.2 Envelope Power 5.3 Shifting Logics of the Envelope in Games Design 5.4 The Contingency of Envelopes 6. Ecotechnics 6.1 The Ecotechnics of Care 6.2 Ecotechnics of Care: two sites of transduction 6.3 From suspended to immanent ecotechnical systems of care 6.4 The Temporal Deferral of Negative Affect 7. Envelope Life 7.1 Gamification 7.2 Non-gaming interface envelopes 7.3 Questioning Envelope Life 7.4 Pharmacology 8. Conclusions 8.1 Games / Dig. [REVIEW]Capitalism Bibliography Index - 2015 - In James Ash (ed.), The interface envelope: gaming, technology, power. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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    On knots and temporality: a relational view of time.Farhang Hadad Farshi - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-17.
    In a class of quantum gravity approaches it is indicated that our observable world emerges out of a fundamental structure that appears highly resistant to any clear spatial or temporal interpretation. In this work we are examining an analogue quantum system that appears to simulate such an unintuitive structure: the emergence of the so called topological phase of matter depicted by the Chern–Simons gauge theory. By investigating the proposed analogy from the lens of category theory, we offer a (...)
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    Legal pluralism explained: history, theory, consequences.Brian Z. Tamanaha - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Throughout the medieval period law was seen as the product of social groups and associations that formed legal orders, as Max Weber elaborates, "either constituted in its membership by such objective characteristics of birth, political, ethnic, or religious denomination, mode of life or occupation, or arose through the process of explicit fraternization." During the second half of the Middle Ages, roughly the tenth through fifteenth centuries, there were "several distinct types of law, sometimes competing, occasionally overlapping, invariably invoking different traditions, (...)
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    A New Temporality of Religion.Lenart Škof - 2020 - Contemporary Pragmatism 17 (2-3):193-204.
    In his insightful essay »Prophetic Religion and the Future of Capitalist Civilization« Cornel West fervently addressed a question of our abilities to imagine a more empathetic, more compassionate, and also more hospitable world, in which we could foresee, or perhaps already lay ground for a future community where the word religion would simply mean that we live our lives in the consciousness of our finitude and thus in an existential and cognitive humility. This kind of religion would enable us to (...)
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    Integrity, Vulnerability, and Temporality.Cristina Traina - 2023 - De Ethica 7 (3):30-46.
    This paper asks how to account for vulnerable integrity in the temporal dynamism of human lives without relying on a subtractive vision of integral human nature, borrowing from presumed past or future rationality and maturity, or depending on an external attribution of dignity. Illustrating the challenges with vignettes from the author’s life, it argues inductively that human integrity includes morally inviolable vulnerability to others with whom we are in interdependent relationship and without whom we cannot develop or maintain our (...)
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    The Spatio-Temporality of Objectification in Legal Theory: Concepts of Legality Between Theory and Practice.Maksymilian Del Mar - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):127-155.
    This paper argues that concepts of legality in legal theory can be profitably understood as being underwritten by modes of spatio-temporal objectification. In the first part of the paper, a scheme of such modes is provided, and a map of jurisprudential inquiries is thereby offered. In the second part of the paper, two concepts of legality – underwritten by two different modes of spatio-temporal objectification – are analysed. The analysis shows how both concepts of legality lead to different (...)
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  43. Pathways to pluralism about biological individuality.Beckett Sterner - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):609-628.
    What are the prospects for a monistic view of biological individuality given the multiple epistemic roles the concept must satisfy? In this paper, I examine the epistemic adequacy of two recent accounts based on the capacity to undergo natural selection. One is from Ellen Clarke, and the other is by Peter Godfrey-Smith. Clarke’s position reflects a strong monism, in that she aims to characterize individuality in purely functional terms and refrains from privileging any specific material properties as important in their (...)
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  44. Putnam’s Alethic Pluralism and the Fact-Value Dichotomy.Pietro Salis - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2):1-16.
    Hilary Putnam spent much of his career criticizing the fact/value dichotomy, and this became apparent already during the phase when he defended internal realism. He later changed his epistemological and metaphysical view by endorsing natural realism, with the consequence of embracing alethic pluralism, the idea that truth works differently in various discourse domains. Despite these changes of mind in epistemology and in theory of truth, Putnam went on criticizing the fact/value dichotomy. However, alethic pluralism entails drawing distinctions (...)
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    Both Earlier Times and the Future Are “Front”: The Distinction Between Time- and Ego-Reference-Points in Mandarin Speakers’ Temporal Representation.Chengli Xiao, Mengya Zhao & Lei Chen - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):1026-1040.
    Mandarin speakers, like most other language speakers around the world, use spatial terms to talk about time. However, the direction of their mental temporal representation along the front-back axis remains controversial because they use the spatial term “front” to refer to both earlier times and the future. Although the linguistic distinction between time- and ego-reference-point spatiotemporal metaphors in Mandarin suggests a promising clarification of the above controversy, there is little empirical evidence verifying this distinction. In this study, Mandarin speakers’ (...)
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    Managing Value Tensions in Collective Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Temporal, Structural, and Collaborative Compromise.Björn C. Mitzinneck & Marya L. Besharov - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):381-400.
    Social entrepreneurship increasingly involves collective, voluntary organizing efforts where success depends on generating and sustaining members’ participation. To investigate how such participatory social ventures achieve member engagement in pluralistic institutional settings, we conducted a qualitative, inductive study of German Renewable Energy Source Cooperatives. Our findings show how value tensions emerge from differences in RESCoop members’ relative prioritization of community, environmental, and commercial logics, and how cooperative leaders manage these tensions and sustain member participation through temporal, structural, and collaborative compromise (...)
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  47. Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism.Hasok Chang - 2012 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science.
    This book exhibits deep philosophical quandaries and intricacies of the historical development of science lying behind a simple and fundamental item of common sense in modern science, namely the composition of water as H2O. Three main phases of development are critically re-examined, covering the historical period from the 1760s to the 1860s: the Chemical Revolution, early electrochemistry, and early atomic chemistry. In each case, the author concludes that the empirical evidence available at the time was not decisive in settling the (...)
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  48. Towards a pluralist theory of singular thought.Michele Palmira - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):3947-3974.
    This paper investigates the question of how to correctly capture the scope of singular thinking. The first part of the paper identifies a scope problem for the dominant view of singular thought maintaining that, in order for a thinker to have a singular thought about an object o, the thinker has to bear a special epistemic relation to o. The scope problem has it is that this view cannot make sense of the singularity of our thoughts about objects to which (...)
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  49. How to Exist at a Time When You Have No Temporal Parts.Peter Simons - 2000 - The Monist 83 (3):419-436.
    Occurrents are entities that exist in time and, with few or no exceptions, extend over time as well, that is, they have parts corresponding to the different times at which they exist. This makes it very easy to say what makes it true that they exist at the times at which they do. Singular existential propositions, being contingent, positive and arguably atomic, stand in need of truth-makers, entities in virtue of whose existence they are true. The obvious candidate for what (...)
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    A theoretical framework of ecological phase transitions for characterizing tree-grass dynamics.Bai-Lian Li - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (3):141-154.
    This paper describes a theoretical framework of ecological phase transitions for modeling tree-grass dynamics and analyzing the shifts or phase transitions from one vegetation structure to another in the southern Texas landscape. This framework implements the integration of percolation theory, fractal geometry and phase transition theory as a method for modeling the spatial patterns of tree-grass dynamics, and nonlinear Markov non-equilibrium thermodynamic stability theory as a method for characterizing temporal tree-grass dynamics and phase transition. An (...)
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